
Bing’s Search Share for November 2010

December 15, 2010 | Written by Dusty Dean

comScore Releases November 2010 U.S. Search Engine Rankings

Recently released data from comScore and Experian Hitwise reinforce Google’s dominance over search engine market share and highlight Bing’s aspirational underdog position.

Microsoft Bing’s search engine functions as a standalone search engine ( and it also powers Yahoo! search engine results (

According to comScore panel data, Bing’s standalone US search share was at an all-time high of 11.8% in November of 2010. comScore’s data reports a combined Bing standalone and Bing powered Yahoo search market share at 28.2%.

Experian Hitwise’s ISP and panel data have Bing’s standalone US search share at 10.10% with a combined Bing and Yahoo search market share of 25.27% for November 2010.

We’re looking at Bing powered search capturing 25-28% of the US search engine market share. Microsoft’s marketing campaigns with Bing and their recent partnership with Yahoo have given them a significant minority of search engine market share.

Google is still king of US search market share though. Google’s search engine properties still reign supreme with 70% of US search engine market share.

December 15, 2010 | Written by Dusty Dean

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