Case Study > Platforms

Efficient Home Heating: Transforming an Industry-leading Heat Pump Provider in the USA through Strategic Digital Marketing


An industry-leading heat pump provider in the USA was facing stagnating sales and a lack of brand recognition in the competitive home heating market. They approached BITCADET to revitalize their online presence and drive sales through a comprehensive digital marketing strategy.


The heat pump provider faced several challenges, including:

  1. Low brand awareness in a saturated market
  2. Limited online presence and outdated website design
  3. Ineffective marketing strategies that did not target the right audience
  4. Lack of compelling content to showcase their innovative heat pump technology


BITCADET worked closely with the heat pump provider to devise a custom marketing strategy that addressed each challenge:

  1. Conversion Optimization: We implemented design changes and tested various layouts and elements to improve the website’s conversion rate, ultimately driving more sales from site visitors.
  2. Site Speed Improvement: Our team optimized the website for faster loading times, particularly on mobile devices, enhancing user experience and increasing the likelihood of conversions.
  3. Copywriting: We employed skilled copywriters to generate relevant content for each stage of the sales funnel, positioning the heat pump provider as a trusted industry expert and creating compelling reasons for potential customers to choose their products.
  4. Paid Advertising: We launched targeted Google Ads and social media advertising campaigns that reached potential customers at different stages of the sales funnel, from top-of-funnel awareness to bottom-of-funnel conversion.
  5. Advanced Creative and Messaging Testing: Through rigorous testing of different creatives and messaging for the ads, we identified the most effective combinations that lowered CPA costs and increased ad performance.


Through our data-driven, multi-channel approach, the heat pump provider achieved significant growth:

  1. A 35% increase in website traffic within the first six months
  2. A 50% increase in leads generated from their website
  3. A 45% increase in sales attributed to the digital marketing strategy
  4. A 60% increase in brand awareness within their target market


By partnering with BITCADET, the industry-leading heat pump provider in the USA successfully transformed its online presence and achieved substantial growth in sales and brand recognition. Our strategic digital marketing efforts allowed the provider to effectively reach and engage its target audience, driving impressive results and setting the foundation for long-term success.

About the author

Dusty Dean, founder of BITCADET, specializes in e-commerce strategies, leveraging technical expertise and team building to drive revenue growth and digital sales success.. Read Bio.

About the author

Lisa leads strategic client initiatives and planning for BITCADET. She has extensive multi-industry experience in management consulting, specializing in guiding teams and clients through the adoption of and adaptation to technological changes. Read Bio.

About the author

Vladimir is the Design Director for BITCADET. He has extensive experience in digital strategy, specializing in software and graphic design and the implementation of digital projects for international corporations. Read Bio.

About the author

Boros is Director of Engineering for BITCADET and works to drive innovation through merging manufacturing with emerging technologies.Read Bio.

About the author

Lauren is the Director of Operations for BITCADET responsible for client strategic direction and operational execution.Read Bio.

About the author

Mara is a senior consultant with BITCADET focused in marketing and communications. She has spent the past fifteen years working with companies on a full suite of marketing and communications services, including sub-branding and positioning, public relations, and content marketing. Read Bio.

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